Driving Sustainable Ocean Business through Innovation – Advancing Africa’s Blue Economy
AOC is the Pan African Ocean, Maritime and Marine Business Community that culminates from the ground breaking Africa Integrated Maritime Strategy 2050 (AIMS2050) adopted by the African Union in 2015, advancing the multiple iteractions of the Africa Maritime Transport Charter and realising the Africa Blue Economy Strategy of 2018.
It is built on the legacy of the stewardship of the leaders of the newly independent African states who broke the long standing deadlock at the United Nations and ushered the what was to become the Constitution of the Oceans – the Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
The activation of AOC was inspired by the outcomes of the historic first – ever Global Conference on Sustainable Blue Economy hosted in Africa, Kenya in 2018 which paved the way for international private sector stewardship in building a people centered, science and technology based and community driven ocean, maritime and marine sustainable development funded through innovative blue financing and investment instruments.
AOC is an independent, international Pan African Blue Economy Business and Investment Network Organisation constituting Africa’s sustainable ocean and maritime business leadership alliance, established with the objective to bring together industry leaders and enterprises towards advancing Africa’s blue economy industries and fostering multi stakeholder collaboration in driving Africa’s blue wealth creation, blue growth, ocean sustainability and inclusive socio-economic growth impact, based on the organizational Principles of:
• Collaboration
• Participation
• Partnerships
• Sustainability
• Impact
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